Runner Information


This is a draft. Registration on RunReg expected to open May 15.


Looking for long-distance trail runners who are enthusiastic about raising money for research to stop Alzheimer’s Disease.

My goal is to be joined by at least one runner in each state, preferably from that state or nearby.

Many options exist to make the run work for you.

If you have questions or want to express general interest, feel free to contact me directly.

Choose your challenge

It is important to me and to AlzRun project goals that we each pick a fitting challenge. Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what that is.

Some routes I laid out can be shortened or lengthened. I’m doing a few touristy out and backs in the middle of some runs to see an alpine lake or a special summit. These can be skipped, or more can be added. I’m only running 32 miles of the Ice Age Trail—might you want to cross all of Wisconsin? I wanted to do all 45 miles of Indiana’s Knobstone Trail, but this is arbitrary and there are many options for start and stop points.

Some routes have vehicle access points midroute and can be run as a relay for a team of family and friends. These routes offer possibilities for crew support as well.

Some routes in sensitive areas will have strict limits on the number of participants, as low as two including myself.

Where such restrictions do not apply, you would be welcome to run with pacers to help you stay safe and support your success and enjoyment.

Running with me?

From past experience, I know that what matters most to me is running these spectacular trails with runners across the country who have their own Alzhemier’s experiences and are deciding for themselves what they can do about it.

I would love to run some or all of each run with you and others in each state. Our running together is ultimately up to you and your preferences, whether it serves or hinders your own goals and satisfaction.

I can be pretty flexible with how I run each route, but I will be super-focused on staying safe and saving energy for the next run. This might mean I am too slow for you.

In all cases, we should talk. Let’s discuss your preferences and make it work.

At the very least, I’d love to start out together and I won’t leave until all are out safely.

Fundraising expectations

The most concrete goal of this project is to raise money together for Alzheimer’s research that will have a significant impact. To meet this goal, I ask that each runner do what they can to reach out to their communities.

The registration site (RunReg) will open on May 15, and as a registered runner you will have an opportunity to customize a fundraising page with your own story of why you are running in support of Alzheimer’s research.

Formal fundraising is not required. I have decided that project goals will be better served by keeping barriers to participation low. Trail runners motivated to run to end Alzheimer’s will do what they can to support Alz Run’s success, in whatever form that takes.


In addition to fundraising, a primary goal of this project is to share diverse experiences with Alzheimer’s disease spanning the entire country. Women and communities of color are affected disproportionatly by Alzheimer’s disease, so it is a particular priority to support participation by members of historically marginalized communities in these runs and highlight their voices.


I’m a planner, and like to anticipate what might go wrong. But as most ultrarunners know, unexpected challenges are often the biggest threat to success.

In my 2011 run, there was no schedule so adustments came easily. What a luxury! Because I am scheduling runners across the country on preplanned dates, this is how I am planning to stay on or, if necessary, get back on schedule.

Unanticipated extreme weather, unexpectantly high stream crossings, wildfires or unhealthy smoke levels, trail closures or washouts—might require anything from an earlier start to waiting a day or more to choosing a different route or route variation. We’ll discuss these contingencies in advance and also check in as the run approaches.

It’s my goal to navigate expected and unexpected circumstances elegantly, efficiently, and safely.


Some routes will have limits on the number of participants due to permit requirements, land use regulations, or other sensitivities. These are posted on the Routes page.

Logistically, I expect one to at most three other participants in each state would be best generally.

Pacers, relay teams, or groups of friends/family running together can be accomodated at most locations. Check in with me. If you have an idea for a bigger effort in your state—let’s talk!


Registration will open on May 15. There is no registration fee. Runners will be encouraged but not required to fundraise for Cure Alzheimer’s Fund.

In the spirit of Cure Alzheimer’s fund, where all donations go directly to research funding, each runner, myself included, is responsible for their own expenses for the run, including fuel and hydration, travel, lodging, and park entry fees.

All AlzRun fundraising donations will go to CureAlz, and in turn they donate 100% to fund promising research.

All runners who join me will sign a waiver, available online soon. In an effort to promote safety and clear communication, the waiver will list general and route-specific hazards I am aware of and the responsibilities that participants must assume for their own well-being.


I am reaching out to manufacturers of high-quality trail running products to seek donations to incentivize participation and fundraising.

Alz Run ventilated running hats will be for sale here by the premium maker of running hats: Boco Gear. Ordering will be available soon, and I will hand-deliver at the runs and can ship if necessary. More soon.


Ultimately, each runner will need to be responsible for their own safety. This means drawing on your own experience, self-awareness of your strengths and vulnerablilities, and consulting with a coach or medical professionals as needed.

Even as I seek ways to support runners, you should consider this run self-supported. To be safe, we each need to deal with, for example, weather, wildlife, stream crossings, exposure, fueling and hydration, navigation, and unexpected injuries or medical issues—often in remote settings. We need good judgement on the run, and we need to plan for the support we need to keep us as safe as possible.

In most locations, you may invite pacers to help you succeed, and many routes have road access for crew support.

I will do all I can to help you succeed, and you should feel free to let me know anything specific you need from me. I plan to have a GPS satellite communicator on hand.

We can prearrange running together if that is useful.

It is not a cliche to say safety is the most important goal. Let’s talk.

Ethic of respect

Each of us will be ambassadors of the AlzRun project and have an obligation to travel lightly, minimizing our impact on the land, much of it fragile, all of it divine.

As an appreciative out-of-state visitor at most of these locations, I will hold myself to being particularly sensitive to local residents and the cultural, historical, and ecological context of each of these route locations.

Making it fun

Let’s talk about making the run in your state as fun (or satisfying) as possible. Endless options:

Some of these routes are in Dark Sky reserves. Maybe a pre-dawn start?

Existing routes may pass near world-class points-of-interest. I’ve added some I am aware of. Perhaps others interest you?

And, of course, is there any food that would be particularly celebratory midrun? Let’s make that happen. Strictly for the calories of course.

Just a few ideas. What’s fun differs wildly from person to person, of course. Don’t hesitate to suggest anything that would increase your enjoyment.

Please share

Outreach in fifty states depends on people spreading the word within their communities. If you know someone who is an ultra trail runner and motivated to raise money for Alzheimer’s research, please pass this site along to them.

If your are in a community (trail runners, long distance hikers, Alzheimer’s families) that might include good candidates for AlzRun runners & fundraisers in your state, please spread the word through social media or newsletters or whatever ways you communicate. Thank you!

If you have any questions or want to express interest, please use the Contact form or reach out to me directly using the contact info in the footer below.